Where to find us
By public transport:
You can take bus 38 to Schiedam or bus 44 to Zuidplein (go out front right of the Central station, where you’ll find busses) Get out at busstop Heemraadssingel/ Beukelsdijk. Cross the roundabout along the Beukelsdijk, first left (Adrien Mildersstraat) on the corner there an Indian Restaurant the gate of India, then first right (our street!) at the end at the square number 49a on your right hand side (with the bikes in the front garden)
Or take tram 21, 23 or 24 to the stop Vierambachtsstraat. From there it is a 3-minute walk. Walk back along the tracks and turn left onto the Burgemeester Meinezslaan, first right, first left, at the end of the street to the right and when you go straight on you bump into our house: Hugo Molenaarstraat 49A.
Our B&B is a 15 – 20 minutes walk from Rotterdam Central Station. Go out in the front, turn right on Weena, go straight straight straight till you just passed a roundabout on the Beukelsdijk, first left (Adrien Mildersstraat) on the corner there an Indian Restaurant the gate of India, then first right (our street!) at the end at the square number 49a on your right hand side (with the bikes in the front garden)
A taxi will charge around €20 Euros from the station, better get in at the back of the station, shorter and easier!
From Rotterdam Airport take bus 33, a taxi will charge around €25 Euros.
By Car
Our house can be reached by highway A13, exit 13 Blijdorp. Take the roundabout ¾, at the traffic lights straight on (direction ”Centrum”). Next lights turn right (Van Aerssenlaan), pass the old entrance to Zoo Blijdorp, then the first to the right (Beukelsdijk), first turn left, drive around the small square (Virulyplein) and there we are.
Unfortunately Rotterdam only has paid parking. Park in the street or neighbourhood or in the (cheaper!) carpark a 7 minutes walk away from our BB. Unfortunately it’s paid parking throughout Rotterdam. You pay every day mo- sat 9-23 hrs and sun 12-23 hrs. It’s about €35 for the whole day. But in carpark Mathenesserplein, a 7 min walk away from our B&B it’s max €16,00 euros per 24 hrs